Monday, December 18, 2006

ikea saved the day!

okay, so i'll finish up about the field museum later (oooh, mendel exhibit!), but for now i'm skipping ahead on our chicago daytrip to the ikea part. so, after we left the field museum, we were going to try to find somewhere to eat downtown. i was really hoping to go the downtown bella bacino's. when kelly, mom, aunt karen, melanie, cindy and myself were in chicago in october, we wound up at this place after a wild search for the olive garden. what a lucky accident that we couldn't find the olive garden, cuz this bella bacino's place was just incredible. best italian food i've had outside of italy. anyway, i remember one of the owners telling us that they had another location on michigan avenue, so i figured it shouldn't be a problem to get over there from the field museum. well, that wasn't true. michigan avenue was wild--just crazy with traffic. we couldn't find a place to park except valet for $20 an hour. um, no thank you. needless to say, this all put quite a damper on the fun. like, totally killed the fun.

so, we made our way back to 55, found a denny's somewhere on the way out of town, and then as we kept driving, made a last minute turn off at the bolingbrook exit. hank knew if anything could bring back the fun for me, it was ikea, and he was right. we got a lamp, hank got a meat tenderizer and gemma got more fabric for a crate cover (since i undermeasured last time...oops!). all in all, good trip. ikea, you make everything better!

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